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An IMI Hosted Project

A reflection drawn by an AWWA school student on virtual pink dolphins.
Yiyu Cai et al, THE WONDERS OF VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY AS A TEACHING TOOL FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS, YWCA Inaugural Conference on Person-Centeredness and Inclusive Early Childhood Education, YWCA FORT CANNING LODGES, Singapore, 18 Sept 2015.
Yiyu Cai et al, Model-based learning using virtual pink dolphins for special needs education, Symposium of Bringing Simulations and Serious Gaming to The Classroom, Aligning Technology, Teachers and Students, 16th Biennial Conference of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Cyprus, Aug 29, 2015.
Yiyu Cai et al, When Virtual Reality Meets Special Needs Education, 2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning, China, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Sui Lin Goei, Assistive Technology: Empowering Students with Learning Disabilities, 2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning, China, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Li Fan, Using ICT-enabled 3D Motion Sensing Game to Improve the Social Development of Autistic Children in Special Education School, 2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning, China, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Indhumathi Chandrasekaran and Yiyu Cai, Design A Virtual Dolphinarium for Children With Autism, 2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning, China, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Yuzhe Zhang and Yiyu Cai, Emotional Learning Games for Special Needs Education, 2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning, China, Nov 21-22, 2014.
W van Joolingen and SL Goei, Simulating Creative Thinking of Children Diagnosed with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome Through Drawing-based Modeling, 2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning, China, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Yiyu Cai et al, Design and Development of A Virtual Dolphinarium for Children with Autism, 4th Workshop on Child Computer Interaction, Sept 19 2014.
Ruby Chiew and Pauline Cheng, Virtual Reality: Engaging and Teaching Students with Special Needs in a Virtual Learning Space, 2014 Asia-Europe Symposium on Simulation & Serious Games, The Netherlands, Oct 1-2 2014.
Zengguo Ge and Chun Wang, The Practice of 3D Motion Sensing Game to Improve the Social Development of Autistic Children, 2014 Asia-Europe Symposium on Simulation & Serious Games, The Netherlands, Oct 1-2 2014.
Izad G, Virtual Reality: Engaging and Teaching Students with Special Needs in a Virtual Learning Space, 2014 MOE Teachers Conference, Singapore, June 4th 2014.
Izad G, Engaging and Teaching Students with Special Needs in a 3D Learning Space, MOE EXCEL FEST 2014, SUNTEC Convention & Exhibition Center, Singapore, April 11-12, 2014.
Yiyu Cai, The Virtual Pink Dolphins Project, VELON 2014, ZWOLLE, The Netherlands, Mar 10 2014.
Yiyu Cai, et al (2013), Design and Development of A Virtual Dolphinarium for Autistic Children, IEEE Transactions on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering 21(2):208-217. DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2013.2240700.
Yiyu Cai, The Virtual Pink Dolphins Project - An International Effort, 2014 Asia-Europe Symposium on Simulation & Serious Games, The Netherlands, Oct 1-2 2014
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