An IMI Hosted Project
This page shows the past events related to the Virtual Pink Dolphins Project
Gadfly Lecture & Lab Visit
Organisor:National Institute of Education
Venue: NIE GPL Meeting Room and CAE Labs, NTU
Date/Time: Friday November 20th, 2015, 2-4pm
YWCA Inaugural Conference on Person-Centeredness and Inclusive Early Childhood Education
Organised by YWCA Singapore
Date/Time: 18-19 Sept 2015.
URL: http://ywca.org.sg/inaugural-ywca-conference-on-early-childhood-special-needs/
VR Learning Journey
Jointly organised by Nanyang Technological University and Ministry of Education's Special Education Branch, this event is for principals, HODs, and teachers from SPED schools to learn the latest development of VR technology and new applications in SPED.
Venue: Institute for Media Innovation and CAE Labs, NTU
Date/Time: March 12 2015, 2:00-3:30pm
2014 International Forum on Assistive Technology for Learning
Invited Talk by Professor Yiyu Cai: When VR meets Special Needs Education,
Venue: School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China
Date/Time: Nov 21-22 2014
2014 Asia-Europe Symposium on Simulation & Serious Games
Keynote Speech by Professor Yiyu Cai: The Virtual Pink Dolphins Project - An Update
Venue: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Date/Time: Oct 1-2 2014
2014 Conference on Making SHift Change
Invited Masterclass by Professor Yiyu Cai & Mr Chow Ban Hoe: Interactive Learning
Venue: The Beurs van Berlag, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date/Time: Oct 7 2014
4th Workshop on Child Computer Interaction
Keynote Speech by Professor Yiyu Cai: Design and Development of A Virtual Dolphinarium for Children with Autism
Venue: Franklin Room, Level 11, Connexis South, 1 Fusionopolis Way, Singapore
Date/Time: 08:00 – 09:00am Sept 19 2014
MOE Teachers Conference 2014
Exhibition by AWWA Special School: Virtual Reality : Engaging and Teaching Students with Special Needs in a Virtual Learning Space
Venue: SunTech Convention Centre, Singapore
Date/Time: 4th June 2014
URL: https://www.teachersconference2014.com/Programmes/Pages/Display%20Programme.aspx?PID=503
Exhibition by AWWA Special School: Engaging and Teaching Students with Special Needs in a 3D Learning Space
Venue: SUNTEC Convention & Exhibition Hall 401/402, Singapore
Date/Time: April 11 2014 (for MOE Staff), April 12 2014 (for public)
2014 VELON Conference
Invited Talk by A/Prof Yiyu CAI: The Virtual Pink Dolphins Project
Venue: JSSELDELTA CENTER Stadionplein 20 8025 CP ZWOLLE
Date: Mar 10 2014
URL: http://www.velon.nl/
2013 Symposium on GPU Computing and Applications
Exhibition: Virtual Pink Dolphins
Venue: Research Techno Plaza, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Date/Time: 9:30-16:30 Oct 9 2013