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an interdisciplinary effort by engineers and clinicians
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Group Homepage!
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About us


This is a collaborative effort between Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) aiming to develop innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled solution for biomedical sciences.

Currently, this AI + Medicine (AIMed) group consisting of engineers, clinicians and researchers are working towards the development of intelligent solutions for bio-medical sciences and healthcare service.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to

- Patient safety

- Immunoradiomics

- Biomarker-based cancer data analytics




Core Members

Engineering Investigator:

Dr Yiyu CAI, NTU 

Pathology Investigator:


Immunoradiomics Investigator:

Dr Wen Long NEI, NCC

Surgery Safety Investigator:

Dr Luke TAY, SGH

Cancer NLP Investigator

Dr Ryan TAN, NCC

Dr TAN Wei Chong, NCC

Cancer Therapy Investigator:

Dr Hong Qi TAN, NCCS 

Cell Biology Investigator:

Dr Mai Chan LAU, IBI

Nursing Investigators:

Ms Qi En, SGH

Mr Aaron THAM, SGH

Patient Safety Team

Dr Luke TAY

Dr Leonn HO

Dr Yiyu CAI

Dr Lihui HUANG

Mr Aaron THAM

Ms QI En

Mr Wai Chye CHEONG

Mr TEE Chang Zen (URECA-CSC-23/24)

Mr Krish SARAF (URECA-ECDS-23/24)

Mr DING Jishen (FYP-22/23)

Mr YEO Wee Choon (NTC)

Mr Victor RAJ (FYP-2024)


Mr.  Jun Hoe LEE (URECA-22/23), Mr. NGYUEN Bach (URECA-22/23),  Mr. SYED Zaheen (URECA-22/23), Mr. Joseph CHONG (FYP-22/23), Mr. Yun Fai LEE (FYP-21/22), Ms FAN Zifu (URECA-21/22), Ms Nicole GO (SGH-19/21), Mr Soon Kim ANG (FYP-20/21), Ms Jing Xuan OOI (FYP-19/20)

Immunoradiomics Team

Dr Wen Long NEI

Dr Yiyu CAI


Dr TAN Hong Qi

Dr Ryan TAN

Dr WANG Fuqiang

Dr TAN Wei Chong

Dr Jean CHEN

Mr KIM Hyun Bin (URECA-CSC-23/24)

Mr Russell Cho Yang (URECA-Math-23/24)



Ms TEE Wen Hui (URECA-22/23), Mr ONG Hai Xiang (URECA-22/23), Ms Yi Zemeng (URECA-22/23), Mr LEOW Jian Hoong (FYP-22/23), Ms Kanupriya ARORA (URECA-22/23),  Ms Jessica (URECA-22/23), Mr Nyamtsogt Munkhbilguun (URECA-22/23), Ms Jacintha WEE (URECA-21/22), Mr Rayhan Erlangga RAHADIAN (URECA-21/22), Mr Zheng Yi HO (FYP-21/22), Mr Truman Jia Jun NG (FYP-21/22),Mr Hiok Hian ONG (URECA-20/21), Mr Bryan LOO (FYP-20/21), Mr Yew Kong NG (FYP-20/21)

Cancer Biomarker Team


Dr Yiyu CAI

Dr Mai Chan LAU

Dr Jean CHEN

Mr Azam Abu BAKR (MEng-PhD)

Mr Jeromy WANG (URECA-22/23)




Ms Adhimas (URECA-22/23), Mr CHUA Bok Leong (Intern-22), Mr YAN Wei (REP/URECA-21/22), Ms NGUYEN Minh (URECA-21/22), Ms LUONG Hien Nga (URECA-21/22), Dr Benedict TAN (IMCB-20/21), Mr Adriel HO (FYP-20/21), Prof Yan GUI (Visiting Scholar), Mr Yue Da CHUA (FYP-19/20), Mr Jinyan ZHANG (FYP-18/19)



Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics

The project team is innovating AI technologies including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Bayesian Network etc., for image processing, digital geometry processing, etc.


More detail to come.

Virtual & Augmented Reality

The project team is integrating seamlessly the latest medical imaging technology, AI technology, Surgical, Pathology and Immunology technology for applications in clinical diagnosis and treatment.


More detail to come.

Bio-Medical Imaging

The project team is developing a systematic and user-friendly solution from multimodality images for automatic or semi-automatic segmentation, reconstruction and data analytics in medical applications.


More detail to come.



About Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the colleges of Engineering, Business, Science, Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, and its Interdisciplinary Graduate School. It also has a medical school, the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, set up jointly with Imperial College London.


NTU is also home to world-class autonomous institutes – the National Institute of Education, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Earth Observatory of Singapore, and Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering – and various leading research centres such as the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI) and Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N).


Ranked 12th in the world, NTU has been placed the world’s top young university for the past five years. The University’s main campus is frequently listed among the Top 15 most beautiful university campuses in the world and it has 57 Green Mark-certified (equivalent to LEED-certified) building projects comprising more than 230 buildings, of which 95% are certified Green Mark Platinum. Apart from its main campus, NTU also has a campus in Singapore’s healthcare district.

About Singapore General Hospital

Founded in 1821, Singapore General Hospital (SGH) is the largest and oldest hospital in Singapore.

SGH was ranked as the third best hospital in the world by NEWSWEEK in 2019.

A not-for-profit institution, SGH is wholly owned by the government of Singapore and the flagship hospital of the public healthcare system. It provides affordable specialist care for patients, training for doctors and other healthcare professionals, and conducts research to bring better care to its patients. 

About National Cancer Center Singapore

National Cancer Centre, Singapore (NCCS) is a national and regional centre committed to excellence in research, education and clinical services. NCCS adopts a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to cancer treatment and undertakes training and education of medical, radiation and surgical oncologists and other allied health personnel to develop relevant clinical and basic research programmes in the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Centre offers a one-stop range of clinical services to patients, conducts clinical and basic research, and develops public cancer information campaigns wholly directed at the prevention and treatment of cancer. 

About Bioinformatics Institute

The Bioinformatics Institute (BII) was set up by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in July 2001; it was re-launched with a strong scientific program in 2007. Located in the Biopolis in Singapore, BII is conceived as the computational biology research and postgraduate training institute as well as a national resource centre in bioinformatics within the Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) of A*STAR.


About Institute of Molecular & Cell Biology

The A*STAR Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) is a premier research institute whose mission is to harness biology for transformational bio-therapeutics and diagnostics. With a strong emphasis on collaboration with stakeholders across the ecosystem in Singapore, IMCB aims to achieve scientific excellence and continues to nurture the next generation of scientists in order to create growth and enhance lives.

Anchor 1


Medical Imaging Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2022)


Lucas Jian Hoong Leow, Abu Bakr Azam, Hong Qi Tan, Wen Long Nei, Qi Cao, Lihui Huang, Yuan Xie and Yiyu Cai, A Convolutional Neural Network Based Auto-Segmentation Pipeline for Breast Cancer Imaging, Mathematics 12(4), 616; DOI:

Lucas Leow Jian Hoong, Tan Hong Qi, Nei Wen Long, Cai Yiyu, 3D U-Net for Automatic Segmentation of Breast Tumours, International Conference on AI in Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 5-7 Aug, 2023.

Hai Xiang Ong, Yiyu Cai, Zi Meng Yi, Wen Hui Tee, Ryan Tan Ying Cong, Wei Chong Tan, Abu Bakr Azam, Automated classification of disease response in radiology reports using natural language processing, 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Breakthrough, PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center, Yokohama, Japan, August 3-5, 2023.

Wei Yan, Nga Luong, Jeffrey Lim, Yuezhen Xue, Abu Bakr Azam, Joe Poh Sheng YeongMai Chan LauYiyu Cai (2022), Spatial analysis of the tumor microenvironment using machine learning-enabled integrated morphology-transcriptomic cell phenotypes,Journal for Immuno-Therapy of Cancer 10(Suppl 2): A1350-A1350, DOI:10.1136/jitc-2022-SITC2022.1302.

Nga Luong, Wei Yan, Jeffrey Lim, Yuezhen Xue, Abu Bakr Azam, Joe Poh Sheng Yeong, Mai Chan Lau and Yiyu Cai (2022), Spatial transcriptomics-enabled integrated morphology-transcriptome tumor cell phenotyping using machine learning, Journal for Immuno-Therapy of Cancer 10(Suppl 2): A1334-A1335, DOI:10.1136/jitc-2022-SITC2022.1288.


Ho, Zheng Yi*; Tan, Hong Qi; Nei, Wen Long; Cai, Yiyu (2022), Feature translation between cone-beam and fan-beam computed tomography scans using cycle consistent generative adversarial networks, CLINICCAI of 25th Medical Image Computing, and Computer-assisted Intervention, 18-22 September 2022, Singapore.

Lau, Mai Chan*; Yan, Wei; Luong, Hien Nga; Azam, Abu Bakr; Lim, Jeffrey Chun Tatt; Yeong, Joe; Cai, Yiyu (2022), Spatial analysis using morphology-transcriptome-defined cell phenotypes with machine learning, CLINICCAI of 25th Medical Image Computing, and Computer-assisted Intervention, 18-22 September 2022, Singapore.

Tan Hong Qi, Ong Hiok Hian, Arjunan Muthu Kumaran, Tira Tan Jing Ying, Ryan Shea Tan Ying Cong, Ghislaine Lee Su-Xin, Elaine Lim Hsuen, Raymond Ng Chee Hui, Richard Yeo Ming Chert, Faye Lynette Lim Wei Tching, Wong Ru Xin, Gideon Ooi Su Kai, Lester Leong Chee Hao, Tan Su Ming, Madhukumar Preetha, Sim Yirong, Veronique Tan Kiak Mien, Joe Yeong, Wong Fuh Yong, Cai Yiyu, Wen Long Nei (2022), Multi-center Evaluation of Artificial Intelligent Imaging and Clinical models for predicting Neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 193: 121–138 (2022), Springer.

Yew Kong Ng, Hong Qi Tan, Wen Long Nei & Yiyu Cai (2021), Development and Web Deployment of Automated Breast Tumour CT Segmentation Tool using Computer Vision, Submitted for journal publication.


S Goh, Y Chua, J Lee, J Yeong, Y Cai (2021), Approaches for Handling Immunopathological and Clinical Data Using Deep Learning Methodology: Multiplex IHC/IF Data as a Paradigm, in I Strumfa and G Bahs (eds.), Histopathology and Liquid Biopsy [Online First], IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.96342. Available from:


HY Wang, JH Wu, Y Cai (2019), An adaptive deviation-feedback approach for simulating multiple devices interaction in virtual interventional radiology. Computer-Aided Design 117.


P Chiang, Y Cai, K Mak, J Zheng (2013), A B-Spline Approach to Phase Unwrapping in Tagged Cardiac MRI for Motion Tracking, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 69(2013): 1297–1309.


Chiang, P, Cai, Y, Mak, KH, Zheng, JM (2014), Differential surface representation for myocardial deformationExperimental and Clinical Cardiology 20 (8): 2720-2747.


Chiang, P; Zheng, JM; Yu, Y; Cai Y et al (2013), A VR Simulator for Intra-cardiac Intervention, IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS   33(1): 44-57.


Chiang, P; Zheng, J; Mak, K; Cai Y et al (2012), Progressive surface reconstruction for heart mapping procedure, COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN 44(4): 289-299. 


Chiang, P; Cai Y; Mak, K; et al (2011), A geometric approach to the modeling of the catheter-heart interaction for VR simulation of intra-cardiac intervention, COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK  35(5): 1013-1022.


Yu RD, Zhang Y, Zhang SY, Chiang P, Cai Y, Zheng JM, Mak KH (2010), GPU Accelerated Simulation of Cardiac Activities, Journal of Computers 6(11): 1700-1705.



[19 June 2020] Working Meeting via Zoom
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[18 Nov 2018] Prof Y Cai was invited to give a keynote at the 14th Asian Conference on Computer Aided Surgery


Interested parties, please send resumes to Professor Y Cai

1. Postdoc or Research Fellow 

Area: AI, Computer Vision, Image Processing and Robotics;

Requirement: a PhD in Computer or Mathematical Sciences;

Knowledge and experience: Fresh graduates can apply but those with good knowledge and relevant working experience have an advantage.

2. Research Associates, Research Assistants and Project Officers

Area: Algorithm Design and Development, AI System Design and Development;

Requirement: A Master or Bachelor degree in Sciences or Engineering.

3. Interns or Attachment Students

Area: AI, Computer Vision, Robotics and Mechatronics, Mathematic Optimisation, UI Design;

Requirement: Strong interest to do research and development, good programming skill, Excellent CGPA.


Note: Singaporeans, Singapore PRs, or Scholars (eg under Singapore MOE Scholarship or Service bond are preferred; 



Tel: 65-67905777


Address: CAE Visualization Room, Block N3, Level 1, Cluster C and Room 11, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

Thanks for submitting!

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